MF Thomas, Creator & Host

MF Thomas has lived and worked in more than 20 countries, including several years in Central & South America. While he is happy to be home in the United States, he can still be found in an airport most every week.

MF Thomas created My Dark Path to tell the stories that are hidden in the dark corners of the world.

MF Thomas is the author of four novels: Like Clockwork, Arcade, A Sickness in Time, and Seeing by Moonlight. His fifth novel, Spirals, is expected in 2023. His first two novels were written in collaboration with Nicholas Thurkettle, the only writer gifted and patient enough to coach him through the steps necessary to become a writer. All of MF Thomas’ novels have serialized audio versions found on every podcast platform.

MF Thomas is also the executive producer of the independent horror movie, A Ghost Waits. It won Best Film, Best Director and Best Actor at both the 2020 Los Angeles Scream Fest & the 2020 London Fright Fest. The movie was licensed in 2020 and will have wide release in 2021.